
By Lisa Whittle
This we know: imperfect people reside in corporate worship spaces. And since they do, imperfect things go down inside them.
It heartens me to see a surge of pastors and ministry leaders who desire to do it better - to love better, lead better, BE better. But even with this forward movement, the church will still be flawed. Therefore, we will never completely eliminate the issue.
It is why I'm interested in having a different conversation. I've grown a bit weary of talking about why we hurt each other in the body of Christ, as if our humanity is not reason enough. Instead, I want to shift our energy and effort to a conversation that is more productive: becoming better ourselves, and helping the church wounded be restored, again, after being hurt.
The truth is, we have stepped over the carnage long enough. The gifts of many hurt by the church lie wasted, and seeing them restored and used is a most worthy cause.
My heart for this conversation stems from my own experience of having a mega-church pastor-father who became embroiled in a scandal that resulted in his lost pulpit. Those who know this story and how much I love the church despite my past grapplings, often ask: "How did you move past your hurt to love the church, again?"